VueJs vs ReactJs: Which Framework is Best For Frontend in 2024


Cyaniclab Team 26 Jul 2024


According to the JetBrains DevEcosystem 2021 Survey, developers regularly use React and Vue as the most popular JavaScript frameworks.

Although each tool has its ideal use cases and addresses distinct business goals, both provide developers with a productive method for creating various web apps. In this VueJs vs ReactJs 2024 comparison, learn what they are, their similarities, differences, and more.

First Thing First: Why Compare VueJs Vs ReactJs?

ReactJs and VueJs are both widely utilised JavaScript development frameworks by successful enterprises and can achieve comparable outcomes. However, these differences affect the optimal use cases, implementation time, and learning curve.

So, you understand that learning technology requires a great deal of work if you’re working on a dynamic front-end development project.

You can avoid becoming an all-rounder with zero knowledge by carefully selecting a small number of technologies to specialise in. Like a tech leader or business owner, you want to select the most trending technology for web development projects to reduce risks later on.

VueJs: An Overview

VueJs is a good substitute for hefty frameworks like AngularJS and React. It is an open-source progressive JavaScript framework developed in 2014. Vue.js, designed by Evan You, focuses on user interface (UI) development and single-page application (SPA) building by combining elements inspired by Angular.

Vue’s core library, in contrast to monolithic frameworks, concentrates exclusively on the view layer, enabling gradual adoption inside projects. Due to its adaptability and emphasis on streamlining UI development, Vue.js is a well-liked option for front-end developers looking for a productive and pleasurable workflow.

Thinking of how to hire Vue.js experts? Look for developers who have worked on dynamic, interactive user interfaces before and who are knowledgeable about the relevant frameworks and tools. Their knowledge will ensure scalable, high-performance web apps.

ReactJs: An Overview

React is also referred to as React.js. It is a robust JavaScript toolkit designed for creating interactive user interfaces (UIs). Its appeal is due to its:

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  • Flexibility: React can easily adjust to different project requirements, making it easier to create both straightforward landing pages and intricate online applications.
  • Efficiency: Even for extremely dynamic interfaces, React’s virtual Document Object Model (DOM) optimizes UI changes to guarantee seamless performance.
  • Component-Based Architecture: React divides user interfaces into separate, reusable components. Because updates to one component are reflected throughout the entire application, this encourages code modularity, streamlines development, and improves maintainability.

React gives developers the tools they need to make interesting and user-friendly web experiences by utilizing these advantages.

VueJs Vs ReactJs: Key Similarities 

In this React and Vue comparison section, let’s explore the areas where these JavaScript frameworks are similar and where they disagree before moving on to their differences:

JavaScript Foundation

It should come as no surprise that ReactJs and VueJs have the same JavaScript foundation and offer extra features to aid in developing dynamic, performance-oriented, and reliable front-end apps with React and Vue.

Design Dynamic UI

ReactJs and VueJs are used to create highly engaging and dynamic user interfaces since they are front-end frameworks that support virtual DOM and enable a declarative approach to building UI components.

Open-Source Community

Both these frameworks are ideal for developers who plan to create progressive web apps and single-page apps. That’s because they are both free-to-use and open-source projects. Moreover, they have an active developer base working on improving their ecosystem and efficiency while creating third-party libraries, APIs, and plugins.

PWA Support

You can use React and Vue to create Progressive Web Apps that feel entirely responsive on any device’s home screen and provide users with a native-like experience, such as push notifications.

Rapid Development

Using ReactJs for front-end development requires having a thorough, in-depth understanding of the language when choosing the router system and handling complex code in various software development lifecycles. 

Meanwhile, Vue provides rapid assistance in developing creative apps by integrating web packs and third-party technologies like Bit, StoryBook, and Vue loader. They facilitate quick development and invigorate the web app development process.

Difference Between VueJs and ReactJs

Here is a table that better represents the differences between VueJs and ReactJs for front-end development projects:

ReactJs Vs VueJs: Syntax

React, and Vue.js differ significantly in how they handle the creation of view layers. Vue.js provides greater versatility than React, which only uses JSX, a syntax that combines HTML and CSS within JavaScript.

Since Vue.js defaults to HTML templates, which are known to most web designers, working with developers is made easier. For certain organizations, this traditional division of labor between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can streamline the development process, particularly when hiring Vue.js programmers.

Still, self-contained UI components with embedded view rendering instructions can be made thanks to React’s JSX. This method can improve the readability and organization of code for React developers who are used to JSX. The decision between React and Vue.js ultimately comes down to team preferences and project requirements.

ReactJs Vs VueJs: Performance

Since both React and Vue use virtual DOM and have architectures of comparable sizes, performance is not a significant factor in this comparison. React now takes roughly 100 kb, while Vue takes about 80 kb. As a result, the TezJS framework, which is built on Vue, follows VueJS’s methodology and performs well.

Also, when comparing Angular, React, and Vue, for instance, the former tool is nearly 500 kb in size and performs slowly because it uses a standard DOM. Still, Vue and React do identical operations nearly simultaneously (a few milliseconds apart).

ReactJs Vs VueJs: Scalability

The way that VueJs and ReactJs handle HTML is where they diverge most:

  • Today, most internal teams in companies hire ReactJs programmers to bring scalability into their JavaScript template code. 
  • Since Vue templates are made of basic, old HTML, they are less scalable.

Their learning curves are further influenced by how these platforms incorporate HTML in the code. When comparing VueJs with ReactJs, Vue allows developers to freely use CSS and HTML in standard forms, making it easier for novices to understand.

In contrast, the React app integrates HTML with JavaScript code using a syntax extension (JSX). Even though the procedure might appear challenging at first, the code runs better due to its conciseness, which results in scalable application performance.

Developer’s Experience

While stars on Github are excellent, how often are these frameworks really used? According to the JetBrains Dev Ecosystem 2021 poll, VueJs is becoming more popular, and both frameworks have high developer expertise and frequent usage. 

In a year-over-year comparison, the percentage of users using VueJs increased from 34% in 2020 to 43% in 2021, while React’s share decreased from 64% to 49%. 

Given these stats, businesses should now find no difficulty in getting the best VueJs development company on board for their projects. 


Vue has a vibrant community, which has resulted in an abundance of well-organized and well-maintained documentation. This facilitates learning and problem-solving for potential difficulties. In fact, excellent documentation was cited by 76% of respondents to the Vue survey as the framework’s most significant benefit. Among the most critical changes in Vue 3 is the redesigned documentation.

In terms of accessibility and organisation, Reacts documentation still lags well behind Vue’s. Although it covers basic and intermediate uses, browsing through all the content isn’t as seamless as it is with Vue. However, a much-improved version of the React documentation is currently in public beta and on the way. 

VueJs Vs ReactJs: Which One To Choose?

Their differences and similarities reveal how awesome Vue, React, and all the other JavaScript frameworks are. The best action in this situation is to pinpoint your use case and describe it in terms of the specifics of these platforms if you want to select a clear winner for your custom web design and development project.

Choose VueJs If You:

  • Have to work on a minor assignment that you need to do quickly.
  • Make plans to develop single-page apps and progressive web apps.
  • Desire to expand the capabilities of the existing application.

Choose ReactJs If You:

  • Want to use dozens of libraries and tools to make your project easier?
  • We need to develop a massive app with a faster time to market and more complexity.
  • Seek apps with stunning elements and excellent responsiveness.

How Can CyanicLab Help You In Front-End Development?

The last thing that needs to be considered is which to pick—React or Vue—in 2024. Since both these front-end frameworks are equally beneficial, choosing anyone would be pretty challenging. However, with this guide, you should find no difficulty in choosing the right front-end development technology for the right project. 

But if you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to contact CyanicLab online experts—we’ve got a track record of producing creative solutions. We are a dependable IT partner offering full-service web development and design. To transform your investment into higher returns for your promising business future, share your front-end development requirements today.


Q. Is React better than Vue?

Is React better than Vue?

It depends on your specific needs and project requirements. React is known for its flexibility and large community support, making it a great choice for complex, large-scale applications. Vue, on the other hand, is praised for its simplicity and ease of integration, which can be ideal for smaller projects or those requiring quick development. Both have their strengths, so the “better” choice varies based on your project’s context and your team’s expertise.

Q. What is the core difference between the architectural philosophy of VueJs and React?

VueJs follows an MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, promoting a separation of concerns. React, however, is built around a component-based architecture, focusing on building encapsulated components that manage their own state.

Q. Can VueJs and React be used together in the same project?

Technically, yes. You can use both VueJs and React in the same project, but it’s generally not recommended due to the added complexity and potential for conflicts. It’s usually better to choose one framework based on the project requirements.

Q. Can I schedule a free call with CyanicLab to choose the best tech stack for my project?

Yes, you can schedule a free consultation call with the developers of CyanicLab to discuss your project requirements and determine the best tech stack for your needs. Our developers can provide expert advice and help you decide on the optimal technology solutions for your project. Please visit our website and complete the consultation request form to schedule your free call. Our team will get back to you promptly to arrange a convenient time for the discussion.

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