Hire a React Native Team Remotely With a Cost-Effective Process


Cyaniclab Team 30 Aug 2024


If you are a player of the tech industry, you must be familiar with the rising popularity of “react native for startups” and how with every passing day it is gaining a stronger threshold. 

Statistics have proven that The World’s top 35.25% of developers use the React Native framework for creating compelling apps. There is no doubt that react native can be claimed as the future of app development. 

After the Covid-19 pandemic, a monumental shift in the way we work has been observed, across several industries remote work has taken a dominant position. It has successfully eliminated the geographical boundaries and has offered a plethora of benefits for tech industries as now they can tap into the global pool of talent.

The IT industry that has its roots settled based on technology has seamlessly adopted this dynamic shift which has also reshaped the job market  by creating more opportunities and flexible working arrangements.

Understanding the Benefits of Remote Hiring

In comparison to all the other industries, the tech industry has always been at the forefront of change, and understanding the future of remote work in this domain is very crucial. Some of the benefits are discussed below –

Flexibility and Scalability

The power to work from anywhere has made each hour of the day productive and has brought a revolution in the tech industry. The ability to work remotely has improved work/life balance for employees as they are not tied to a specific location. 

Remote work has also benefited companies as they can quickly scale up or down their operations based on real-time requirements.

Access To a Wider Pool of Talent

Among the abundant benefits, the top benefit for a company is the access they get to hire developers globally. Based on the expertise they require, IT businesses can recruit professionals from different regions, leading to a team that can specifically cater to their needs.

Cost Saving Hiring

If you observe the demonstrated history of businesses, a business turns out to be successful only if they have followed a wise cost management strategy.
Opting for a remote model of work allows companies to save a significant sum of money by eliminating the need for office supplies and utilities.

Factors to Consider When Hiring a Remote React Native Developer

However, we have mentioned some basic factors that are to be considered while hiring a remote React Native developer.

Define your project requirements

The first step is to set clear expectations, this is important for the company as well as for dedicated React native developers. Outline your goals and objectives to the team, this will help you to avoid any misunderstanding and ensure that you and the team are working towards a common target.

While hiring an offshore React native developer, make sure that they are aligned with your company’s culture for smooth collaboration.

Hiring React Native Top Developers

By utilising the advantages of various channels, ensure that you are retaining the top talent for your development. Professional platforms such as LinkedIn can help you to spot developers across the globe, however assessing candidates as per your requirements may require a separate screening procedure. 

To avoid this, you can partner with software development agencies like CyanciLab who can streamline this process on your behalf and give you direct access to a pool of talent who will be dedicated to meet your project expectations.

Managing a Remote React Native Team

Once you are done assembling React native developers for your project, the next crucial task is to effectively manage them. The successful working of your team will depend on clear communication and transparent goal setting.

Your team members should be aligned with the format of working and the objectives to be achieved. You can foster this environment by leveraging communication tools and regular virtual meetings which help you to keep track of daily progress and challenges.

Embrace Opportunities

Management of a Remote React Native native is a much wider concept, the involvement of strategic planning, smooth collaboration, the right tools and practices, and continuous improvement will together drive your project success. 

Hiring a remote react native developer offers you the chance to bring together a range of perspectives and skills which will foster more creative solutions to achieve the set milestone. 

By overcoming the challenges of dealing with a remote team, you can unleash the full potential of your team and take a strategic step towards the success of your app development.

Cost-Saving Strategies for Hiring React Native Developers

An effective way to take over the tech market is to ensure that your app is available on all platforms and to a wide variety of users. However, building an application for each platform separately can be both time taking as well as costly. This is where cross-platform development comes to the rescue, and react native is one of those solutions.

The critical cost-saving benefits of this framework have the potential to break down your costs significantly. 

Wondering how much it costs to hire a React native developer? Let cyanicLab help with the ultimate solution. Why do we fit the bill?

  • Breakdown of total cost – For a startup, development of a native application can be a wholesome process, but CyanicLab understands the need to work in a budget friendly framework. In comparison to other web development agencies, our react native developers charge $25 to $35 per hour which makes us a prominent choice as you can save 40% cost of your development.
  • Leveraging time zone differences –  Our client base is spread across the globe and managing teams across various time zones is something we do regularly. 

We achieve effective time management by establishing core working hours for daily meetings. We also leverage project management software so that developers can work and communicate at different times. This also helps us to foster personal communication so that we can build rapport across locations.

  • Negotiation of contract terms – CyanicLab being a robust player of the tech industry understands its dynamic nature and the challenges that the client may face due to the frequent changes in the market trends. Hence we ensure that our client has the complete flexibility to negotiate the contract based on his terms and project requirements.


The wonders of working with cross-platform mobile app development frameworks such as React Native are no longer hidden. React Native is the 2nd most used cross-platform mobile app development framework, with over 13% market share. 

Remote Work will undoubtedly shape the future of the tech industry, and in such hassle companies must take advantage of the worldwide talent pool. 

CyanicLab offers you the expertise and the guidance required for a smooth app development journey. We believe in addressing the specific concerns of the client simultaneously ensuring that the quality of the app is top-notch.

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