Custom CRM Development Costs: Key Factors to Consider


Cyaniclab Team 10 Sept 2024


Managing Businesses has become complicated with the tech industry being dynamic than ever before. Thus, CRM becomes an indispensable tool for businesses who seek to streamline their operations. According to statistics, custom CRM development can boost companies’ conversion rate up to 300%.

A question you might ask is: Is custom CRM development right for your business? Well, to stay ahead, your company needs to focus on customer satisfaction and drive its growth strategy accordingly.

Custom CRM development offers a plethora of benefits, and companies quickly see positive results from the investment. Nucleus Research reports that for every dollar spent on CRM, companies earn a return of $8.71.

Hence, to follow a customer centric approach, CRM software is the way to go. To retain the existing customers and get a hold of new customers companies must maintain the database and gain more insights on the customer behaviour, this will ultimately lead to improved business relations and profitability.

Custom CRM Development cost

In this blog, we will discover the answer to this question : How much will it cost to build a CRM system from scratch? Also you will come across the hidden benefits of developing this software.

What is Custom CRM Development?

To deeply understand the top, covering the basics is a must. In simple words, it is a process of developing a customer relationship management software that is beneficial for businesses having complex processes and are willing to streamline operations by improving efficiency.

Customization will lead to the development of a software that has precise specifications and features that are tailored according to the company’s style of working.

By integrating marketing, sales and other services into a single application, companies can analyse customer experience and track their journey. To drive results, it is important for companies to utilise customer data effectively.

If you are a business who wants to introduce CRM into your workflow, you basically have three options –

Pre-Built CRM – This is an out-of-the-box solution, wherein you purchase a built CRM software from a vendor. You will be liable to pay a fixed amount for the purchase, it may be payable monthly or yearly, depending upon the vendor terms. However, in this path, your CRM Software won’t have additional desired features.

Customization of Ready-Made CRM –  This is similar to purchasing a CRM, but in this case the company hires full stack developers to twist the functionalities of the software according to their business needs. It is important to understand that you will only be able to tweak them, the core of the app remains the same.

Create your own CRM – This is the most reliable way to integrate CRM in your business. You will give birth to your own application that will be unique for your business and will be specifically tailored to meet your future goals and expectations.

Hidden Cost to Consider

Unforeseen Development Days

Custom CRM development cost hinges on multiple factors depending upon the project requirements. The tech market never lets you settle down easily, you always have to stay on your toes to adapt to this industry environment.

Hence it is always advisable for businesses to keep a separate budget for unfortunate delays that may occur during the development process.

Statistics have proven that the CRM software market is expected to grow annually at a rate of 10.59% from 2024 to 2028, resulting in a market volume of $131.90 billion by 2028, therefore investment in such a software will eventually drive growth of your business.

Training and Onboarding

If you are wondering Why choose CRM Development Services? The answer is quite simple, when you decide to build an in-house team, it will welcome extra expenses for your business. Building an in-house custom CRM development team will incur the cost of infrastructure, utilities and training processes.

This can prove to be an unnecessary burden for a business who is already heavily investing on the core technical areas. On the contrary when you outsource CRM development services, you automatically eliminate the cost of team management.

Custom CRM Development

When you partner with a Custom CRM development company, they take over the burden of guiding the stack of developers, also they emphasise on rolling out a systematic strategy which will give you an idea of all the prospective areas of opportunities.

Custom vs Off the Shelf CRM: Which Is Best?

Where both types of software bring guaranteed revenue for your business, it is still crucial to understand the basic difference between them, this will help you to reach a final conclusion. 

The choice here would be very simple, either you will subscribe for a pre-built software or you will invest in custom CRM development. 

To ease your confusion, here are some basic point of differences that will help you to weigh the pros and cons of both these software.

Deciding upon which CRM would be the best choice for you is quite confusing, hence in such situations, it is advisable to estimate the current needs and future goals of your business and then choose which option suits you the best.

Tips to Save on Custom CRM Development Costs

In the journey of How to build CRM Software form scratch, we have some tips for you that can help you in breaking down your potential cost.

1. Prioritise Key Features

While developing a custom CRM software, you will come across ample amounts of features that will suit your immediate business need, here it is important to lay down a systematic action of plan.

  • By focusing on essential features and opting for affordable resources, you can have certain savings without compromising the quality of your final application.
  • Another tip to save cost is to undertake phased implementation, this means to break down your project into logical stages. Each stage will have its own value and a group of developers who will be dedicated towards that particular assigned stage.
  • Since you will be focusing on one stage at a time, it will help you to address potential challenges during the development cycle.

2. Leverage Agile Development

Enhance team productivity by adopting agile methods that are both time – saving as well as cost effective.

If you have an expert team of developers, they can wisely optimise your entire development process. They will improve regularly by focusing on the core operations and predict risks that may harm your future outcomes and have fewer errors which are cheaper to fix if found early.

To have better predictions, gather customer feedback since the beginning of the process, this will give you a better understanding of the areas of improvement.

3. Collaborate Closely with Developers

Effective collaboration with developers is crucial for ensuring that your custom CRM meets your exact needs. By working closely with the development team, you can provide valuable insights, feedback, and guidance throughout the project. This helps to ensure that the final product is tailored to your specific requirements and delivers the desired results.

1. Define Clear Requirements

Ensure that everyone in your development team is working towards a common goal, you can achieve this by setting clear expectations. Your offshore developers should be aware about your specific project requirements, this way they will be able to deliver quality solutions.

2. Maintain Open Communication

Transparency is the key for maintaining healthy communication. Thus inculcate the practice of  daily communication in  your working model. Make sure that you are taking follow ups regularly. This will address challenges that are faced by developers and help you to find suitable solutions for the same.

3. Set Realistic Goals and Deadlines

Whenever a client is outsourcing any project, he wants the deliverables on a specific deadline, make sure that the targets are communicated clearly wherein your developer should have sufficient resources and time to achieve the milestone.

Estimate of Cost of Custom CRM Software Development

Mostly the cost of developing a custom CRM will depend upon the size and requirements of your business. The potential cost of custom CRM development can also be estimated by the type of model you are willing to develop.

1. Basic CRM 

This type of CRM software will include all the basic features and functions that are sufficient to manage the operations of the business. It will involve simple task reporting, customer interactions and marketing activities.

Best For: Small businesses or startups that need fundamental CRM capabilities without advanced features. 

  • Cost – $10,000 
  • Time to develop – few weeks to couple of months

2. Advance CRM 

Features: Offers more sophisticated features such as marketing automation, advanced analytics, customer segmentation, and integration with other business tools.

Best For: Growing businesses that require more functionality to manage complex customer relationships and sales processes.

  • Cost – $55,000
  • Time to develop – 4 to 6 months

3. Enterprise CRM 

These CRM softwares are developed to streamline complex businesses who want to meet their unique requirements. It will consist of specialised features with advanced customisation options that will cater to particular business needs. 

Features: Provides comprehensive solutions with extensive customization options, multi-channel support, detailed analytics, and advanced integrations with other enterprise systems.

Best For: Large organizations with complex needs that require a robust and scalable CRM solution to manage extensive customer data and operations.

  • Cost – $345000 
  • Time to develop – 6 to 12 months


Every business has its own specific requirements that they need to manage, here choosing the right CRM software becomes critical as your long-term business goals will depend on it. 

As we already know that the tech industry is not stagnant, here Custom CRM Development offers you the opportunity of quick adaptability and scalability as per the market trends. 

Thorough evaluation of your business current and future needs is critically important to make suitable decisions. Partner with a custom CRM development company who can easily fine-tune the software to meet your precise requirements. 

CyanicLab believes in following a pragmatic and a cost-effective approach for your CRM implementation, we have experts who focus on balancing scales between benefits and challenges and help you with quality solutions. We cater to client needs by incorporating industry-specific features and workflows. 

So let’s connect and develop a robust and efficient CRM solution for the success of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is CRM API integration?

CRM API integration is the process of connecting your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with other software applications or systems. It’s achieved by utilizing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by the CRM platform.

Q. Benefits of Custom CRM for Business?

A custom CRM, tailored to your specific business needs, offers several advantages over generic off-the-shelf solutions. Here are three core benefits:

  1. Perfect Fit: A custom CRM is designed to align with your unique business processes, workflows, and data requirements. This ensures that the tool is highly efficient and effective for your team, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing productivity.
  2. Scalability: As your business grows and evolves, a custom CRM can be easily adapted to accommodate new features, integrations, or increased data volume. This prevents the need for frequent system replacements and ensures that your CRM solution remains a valuable asset throughout your business’s journey.
  3. Competitive Edge: A well-designed custom CRM can provide a significant competitive advantage. By streamlining operations, improving customer interactions, and gaining valuable insights, you can differentiate your business from competitors, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.

Q. Why should I consider a custom CRM?

A custom CRM can provide a better fit for your business processes, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and give you a competitive edge.

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